Garri tends to be bought already processed – the taste (slightly sour), colour (white or yellow) and texture (fine to coarse) will vary from place to place.
Cooked garri is referred to as eba, although some people also call it garri.
To Make Eba
Allow about 100g of garri/200ml boiling water per person. Pour most of the water into a pan and sprinkle the garri into the water. Mix well with a wooden spoon, ensuring that it is completely soaked and lump-free (add more water if necessary).
Cook on a medium heat for 2-3 minutes until a fairly thick dough is formed. Turn off the heat (it will continue to thicken as it cools). Smooth the eba into a shape of your choice and serve with any soup.

Yellow Eba in a plastic bag (used to help form it into a conical shape)